Male Sexual Weakness refers to the situation when a man has difficulty in getting a firm erection or an erection, which is required to achieve sexual penetration. Several cases of erectile dysfunction can cause impotency in a man. But today we can treat Erectile Dysfunction with homeopathic medicines without any side effects before that we need to understand the right cause of Erectile Dysfunction so that the right homeopathic treatment can be used and the right way of counseling to the patient is also helpful for achieving this sexual weakness. The majority of male sexual weaknesses is primarily psychogenic in origin. Anxiety concerning sexual performance and fear of sexual failure are the most salient immediate causes of erection a history of sexual abuse, guilt about sexuality, are among the more common factors that underline sexual dysfunction. Psychological causes include depression like major depressive episodes, stress, anger, performance anxiety, and low self-esteem. A man may have a good erection with masturbation, but not when sexually active with his regular partner.

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