Warts are caused due to human papillomavirus. The source of infection is direct or close contact with the infected person or surface. Different types of warts are 1(common warts) called verruca Vulgaris. They are firm, skin-colored papules of different sizes with verrucous surfaces. (2) verruca Plana plain warts They are slightly raised flat-topped papules skin-colored on the dorsum of hand and face .(3) Filiform warts. These are finger-like projections with irregular surfaces and usually occur in the head, face, and neck. (4)plantar warts. They are found in the insoles of the foot. They have irregular surfaces. (5) Genital warts. They occur in genitalia They can spread through sexual contact Homeopathic medicines for warts are safe, painless, mild gentle, and are made from natural substances. They boost the immunity of the person to fight against the infection and cure the disease permanently. The medicines are matched after proper case taking . Commonly used medicines are Calcarea carb, Thuja, causticum, Nitric acid, dulcamara, etc. Dr. Avinashi ( AVINASHI HOMEOPATHIC CLINIC ). for more details please contact us! 9811382552.