Homeopathy is very effective in acute , chronic & Recurrent urticaria .it improves the disturbed immune system and cures at a deeper level .Homeopathy corrects the hypersensitivity of the person which is responsible for the disease so that the body does not react to the allergen .Homeopathic treatment improves immunity , reduces the dependency on the antihistamine , steroids and conventional treatment. Causes 1 stress 2 food allergens 3 genetic , 4environmental allergens 5 altered immunity 6systemic disease. Symptoms are Eruptions, raised, irregular, round-shaped, pale pink to red-colored, hives are prominent Symptoms of urticaria. Heat , burning , warmth , itching. Intense itching can make patient restless it might disturb the routine work and can cause sleeplessness. The size of Eruptions can vary from few millimeters to several centimeters .They may coalesce to form giant urticaria .The hives may last from few seconds to 24 hrs . Angioedema, it is reaction similar to hives that effects the deeper layers of skin .it mostly occurs around the eyes cheeks lips feet , hand or genitalia. Sometimes it can be dangerous if it effects lung or wind pipe. Treatment 1 2 A properly selected Homeopathic medicine. 2 proper diet diet rich in vit D , vit E, and gluten-free.3 Avoid food that triggers the allergy.4 Avoid scratching. 5 Moisturize the skin with mild , organic cream .6 Avoid hot bath , 7 wear loose cotton clothes 8 Avoid exposure to extreme hot & cold climates Avoid rigorous exercise. Homeopathic medicines are absolutely safe , effective, natural and have no side effects and highly recommended. Some of the commonly used medicines for urticaria are Rhus tox ., sepia , dulcamara Natrum mur., Apis , Sulphur etc . A proper medicine has to be selected after taking a detailed history of the patient.Dr Avinashi (Avinashi homeopathic clinic. )