Role of homeopathy in osteoarthritis.
Homeopathic medicines are very effective in reducing pain, stiffness, swelling, and redness of the knee joint without any side effects. The medicines are natural. Osteoarthritis is also called wear and tear arthritis the cushioning between the knee joint wears away and the bones rub each other more closely against each other.
Symptoms:- 1 pain and swelling in the knee joint.
2 stiffness of knee joint 3 Formation of bone spur 4 decreased mobility of the joint.
Causes:- 1 Age:- After 45 yrs of age generally the ability of the body to heal the cartilage decreases. 2 weight:- obesity increases the pressure on the knees .and can cause O A . 3 Heredity:- genetic mutations might make a person more likely to develop OA .4 Repetitive stress injuries:- lifting heavy weights may cause pressure injuries. 5 Athletics:- Athletes involved in soccer, tennis, or marathon runners are at higher risk for developing O A 6 Metabolic diseases like diabetes, hypertension can cause O A. 7 uric acid diathesis.
5 best medicines for osteoarthritis. 1 Calcarea carbonicum:-person is fast, fair, and flabby .difficulty in getting up from a sitting position. Aggravation by walking and cold weather. cramps in the calves .craving for eggs.
2 Benzoic acid:- Arthritis with cracking sound in the knee joint .stitching pain swelling of knee with redness. aggravates in the night and by motion. Urine very offensive
Bryonia:- knee joint is stiff, painful; swollen. The knee is hot and red .pain is tearing and stitching. Aggravation from motion is better by rest and pressure.
4 Rhus tox:- O A caused by damp weather .pains a aggravates at night, cold, and motion.
5 Ruta:- Arthritis of knee with the stiffness of the joint .aggravates by ascending and descending the stairs.
Homeopathic medicines are selected after proper case taking and they can cure the patient permanently. Contact Dr. Avinashi 35 yrs experience.