Role of homeopathy in melasma and chloasma.
Chloasma and melasma are the terms used for hyperpigmentation disorder.when discolouration occurs in pregnancy it is called melasma.
Causes:- 1:- The levels of estrogen, progesterone and melanocyte stimulating hormone increases in 3rd trimester of pregnancy. It could be the reason of dark spots .
2 sun exposure. U.V rays of the sun stimulates the melanocytes.
3 skin care products .They cause irritation and reaction of the skin.
4 it can be genetic
5 it can be due to liver disease or some internal disease.
Symptoms:- patches of hyperpigmentation the skin .some patches are well defined others can be diffuse in size, shape and color. The spots are usually yellowish brown or fawn colored .The spots can be dark brown or black.most common location are face, axillary, genitalia and nipples etc.
Homeopathy has safe and effective treatment for treating melasma .it helps to restore eventone of skin and controlling further progression of the disease. Skin is outward reflection of inner health so homeopathic medicine selected holistically can cure the problem permanently. Good balanced diet and regular exercise also help to cure .
5 best homeopathic medicines for chloasma and melasma.
1 Berberis aquifolium :- very effective to clear the marks of acne and scars of chloasma.yellow brown spots on the skin and face .face is pimply, dry znd rough.scsly skin .effective for blotches and pimples.
2 Thuja :- antipsycotic medicine. Warts like Eruptions on the skin .freckles, red mottled spots .bltches with dry skin. Itching of the skin at night .
3 sepia :- chilly patient. Weeping ,, menopausal symptoms aggravates due to sun exposure. Saddle like brownish spots on nose, cheeks ,, offensive odor of the skin .
4 lycopodium;- grayish, yellow face .dark circles around the eyes .withered,, shriveled look .copper colored Eruptions on the face .offensive sweating .Fear of being alone .melancholy.
5 Argentum nitricum :- skin is hard and drawing as from spider web .irregular blotches .old monk look .patient is hurried and worried .
Dr Avinashi Avinash homeopathic clinic .