Acne is a skin condition that is commonly known as pimples .when the oil glands present in the skin (sebaceous glands) produce too much oil the pores of the skin become clogged. They become blocked with dirt, bacteria, and debris. Hormonal imbalance like overproduction of androgens can also cause extra sebum production.
Causes:- 1 Hormonal imbalance 2 stress 3 pore-clogging skin products .4 unhealthy diet 5 Dirty cell phone screen 6 unprotected exposure to sunlight.
5 best homeopathic medicines for acne.
1 Hepar Sulphur:- pustular acne aggravated in cold weather. The pus is foul-smelling. Itching with burning pains.
2 pulsatilla:- oversensitive emotional and weeping girls.Acne worse from Rich fatty food.Aggravation from warmth.Acne during puberty and before menses.
3 Calcarea carbonicum:- fat fair flabby patient .excessive sweating on the head .chilly and anxious. Recurrent pimples with constipation.
4 kali Bromatum:-Anxiety with depression.Nervous sleeplessness. Pitting acne with scars.
5 Antomonium Tartaricum :- .Large pustules.Tender to touch.Bluish Red marks on the acne.
DR AVINASHI (AVINASHI HOMEOPATHIC CLINIC). For more details please contact us! 9811382552.