PILES are dilated or prolapsed veins of the anal canal . They can be bleeding or nonbleeding.
Causes:- 1 chronic constipation
2 pregnancy
43 Bad lifestyle and eating habits ( low fiber diet)
4 sitting for long duration
5 .alcohol and smoking
6 lack of exercise.
1 pain in the anal region.
2 swelling in the anal region
3 itching
4 bleeding etc
5 best homeopathic medicines.
1 Sulphur:- The patient is dirty and philosophical. Itching , oozing,burning in hemorrhoids. The anus is inflamed and red .fullness and pressure in abdomen.
2 calcarea fluorica :- Bleeding , itching , soreness in anus .flatulence and constipation .
3 Aesculus hippocastanium :- shooting pain lasts for many hrs after stool. Sensation of lump or sharp sticks inside the rectum .sharp shooting pains in the rectum and back .
4 lachesis :- Anus feels tight .with bluish engorged veins loquacious, suspicious patient .chronic constipation offensive stool .prolapse and painful stool .
5 phosphorus:-
Bleeding from rectum .itching with soreness in anus .Discharge of mucus whie passing stool. Redness and pain in the anus.
Dr. Avinashi 9811382552.