The role of homeopathy in vitiligo is a chronic skin depigmentation is due to the stoppage of melanin formation by the melanocytes and presents as asymptomatic depigmented macules anywhere in the body, mucous membranes of the lips, and genitalia. The hair in the affected area might become gray. In vitiligo, there is a marked reduction or absence of melanocytes and melanin in the epidermis. There is a lack of Dopa-positive melanocytes. The course of the disease is variable. The lesions in some patients might remain static or progress very slowly. Homeopathic medicines control the further spread of vitiligo. It stimulates the skin pigments melanocytes and helps to regain the normal color of the skin. It reduces the destruction of melanocytes. Homeopathic medicines are safe effective and give permanent relief without any side effects. Causes:- it is considered to be an autoimmune disorder . The melanocytes are destroyed by the body's own is also related to psychological stress. some patients also have a family history of vitiligo.90% of cases develop vitiligo before 40 yrs of age. 5 best homeopathic medicines for vitiligo are:- 1 Arsenicum albumin:- In this patient has vitiligo with anxiety and fears. Anxiety about health, anxiety for others. Fear of infection, fear if death with acute restlessness. the skin has whitish spots with dry, rough patches .burning sensation on the skin . 2 Sulphur:- it is a deep acting medicine. The patient is philosophically called a ragged philosopher. Negligent towards physical appearance. aversion to bathing. Skin is dirty white spits with a burning sensation. Craving for sweets. itching on the spots .history of long usage of ointments.
3 sepia:- sepia Patient is generally indifferent towards the loved ones .weary of life, suicidal .depressed, weeping with irritation aversion to consolation
4 silicea :- vitiligo with pale and waxy skin, excessive sweating on hands and feet .pustules Eruptions on the skin
Timid and bashful personality .fear of public appearance.
5 milky white spots on the skin .excessive perspiration on head, neck, and chest .craving for egg, meat, lemons .weak bones fat, fair and flabby Patient. Chronic constipation and fear of infection and insanity.
Homeopathic medicine gives the best results if the medicine is chosen after proper case taking. Contact Dr. Avinashi with .35 yrs of experience.